Scribbled words, poems, and odd sentences often find their way into my diary. Sometimes they appear in the margins, other times nestled between mingled lists of tasks, highlighted as reminders.

I take that back. I have plenty of books, I am forever busy writing in them. Of course, I also write on sticky notes and in random notebooks. Yes! I love books, pens, stationery, and all the paraphernalia leading to organised clutter, I do love it! Lately, I’m trying to be minimalistic. We’ll see how long that lasts. Google’s “Keep Note” on my mobile is a great go-to.

A vision of sorts

However, this is not what inspired “COLD FIRE: Alchemy of a Broken Curse”. It all started in the shower! I was rinsing my hair, looking down at the tiles when I saw a vision so clear that I had to write it down.  I saw raindrops attempting to penetrate the hardened parched desert floor, only to bounce off it, without making any difference. The raindrops on that cold winter morning held meaning and purpose. Earlier, I had reminisced about my life and how ideals and plans often never came to fruition. At that moment, the phrase “Beware him who bears the mark of the serpent” echoed in my mind. I instantly knew it was time to write the novel I always dreamt of writing. There was no wavering, no hesitation, just a burning desire to get myself into writing the book that was waiting for me to write.

Dreams and omens

Although the novel is fiction, the dreams, omens and sleep paralysis, are based on personal experience. I remember all of them, from the first one being woken by a high priest, to the darkness of sleep paralysis, and the crawlers that made me sell a house, because I learned that the house we lived in was constructed over the remnants of a cemetery.

I don’t write smut.

Sorry. I don’t write smut!  I recently found this quote on Pinterest, “I love men with massive throbbing vocabularies”.  I can relate to that!  Yes, there are love scenes in my novels, but not those that are explicit to the extent of driving one to nausea. (Mia would say, “Really Steph, you can call it sex scenes!”).  I prefer to describe the occasion i.e. sex scene, in a manner that it leaves you wondering and allows your imagination to take flight. 


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